You’re Invited! Join the 21-Day Fitness Bible Study Challenge

I have something special to share with you today that is going to really help you and I can’t wait to tell you about it! 

Tomorrow is November 1st. Don’t you love fall? I’m ready to put my Christmas decorations up, and I have to admit I’ve already been burning my fall candles. What are your favorite candles?

I love Leaves by Bath and Body Works, Fresh Balsam, and Harvest Gathering! They make my house smell like heaven. And I’m embarrassed to admit, I actually put on my Christmas playlist the other day. 

As much as I love fall, I mean it is my favorite time of year, I don’t want us to fall out of our fitness habits. 

Sister, this is going to help you so much. You can do it in just moments a day and it will help you stay on track with your fitness goals, enjoy the holidays in healthy ways, and skip starting the new year in a panic over dreaded weight gain.

Let’s beat that cycle now by not even starting it! 

If you prefer videos, watch the live taping below.

My degree is in marketing, so I’ve been using research tools to find out what questions are being asked about Christian fitness. This challenge will answer those questions.

Questions like:

  • What does the Bible say about fitness?
  • What is Christian fitness?
  • How do I incorporate God into my fitness?

Spending time with God and knowing God is the first and most important part of our challenge, but there has to be intentional effort on our part, too.


  1. Takes just minutes a day
  2. Answers the questions of what God says about fitness and what Christian fitness is
  3. Teaches you how to incorporate God into your fitness
  4. Builds your faith, and helps you get spiritually, emotionally, and physically fit
  5. Gives you steps to stop the cycle of gaining weight and losing your fitness routine over the holidays

The is a guide to give you the foundation of God’s truth and His love for you in your fitness. You are not alone. He is with you on your fitness journey. 

Turning to Him is often the last place we go, but He needs to be the first place we run to.

As I was praying and preparing for this, I kept hearing this statement, and I know once we do this, it will change everything, it will help us stop the all-or-nothing fitness cycle, and it will help us see ourselves the way God does, it will help us stop self-sabotage, and it will help us take care of our bodies the way God intended, here it is, let’s be grateful not hateful of our bodies. 

The 21-Day Fitness Bible Study Challenge leans into this spirit of November, gratitude. Let’s Learn to be grateful not hateful of our bodies, because…

  • It teaches us to take care of our body not for how it looks but rather because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
  • Gratitude unlocks blessings.
  • It drives down stress.
  • It makes us happy.
  • It wins the battle because it chooses grace, not perfection!

I want you to consider what will happen if you don’t join the challenge.

Where will you be this time next month? How will you start your new year?

Please don’t blow off your health, fitness, and wholeness over the next few months.

Please don’t do it!

Here’s How to Join the Challenge:

  1. Get your 21-Day Fitness Bible Study Challenge Guide, HERE
  2. Choose a time each day to pray these prayers and ask God to speak to your heart in this area of your life.
  3. Look for daily posts in my stories of the prayers and scriptures and share them to encourage your community to know Jesus in their fitness.
  4. Invite a friend to pray with you to stay accountable and find peace and results together.

Are you in?! 

Faith Fuel

1 Corinthians 6:19–20 says:

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

I found this commentary about this scripture on Redeemer City Church and it will help you understand what and why we need our fitness to be Christian.

“In its original context, this passage talks about sexual immorality, but I believe it applies on an even greater level to our worth in God. We are precious and hold great value, and we should take care of the temples we reside in — our bodies. This means we should eat well, work out, and watch what we do by avoiding things that may be physically or spiritually harmful. Our bodies don’t just belong to us.

Christians care for themselves not just for their own good, but so that they can care for others. Scripture says to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Many times, we either miss that last word “yourself” or overvalue it. We are to love ourselves in order to love others. Self-care is biblical, but only when done well while understanding how much Christ cared for us first. It is not just about loving oneself, but loving oneself so that we show off the glory of God to a world that needs to know him.”

Let’s Pray

Dear God,

Cause the woman who is reading this to act! Help her sign up to take this challenge, help her know you, and grow deeper and more secure in her faith. Protect her health. Show her that you care about her health and wholeness and you want her to walk it out with you daily.

Lord, lead me to lead others. Help me serve these women with excellence. Help us all be examples of you in this world. Put the woman who needs to do this with us on our hearts and encourage us to reach out to her today!

God, we are so grateful for your Word, help us know how it applies to our fitness and live by it!

Father, lastly, please help the woman who is thinking I’ll start taking care of myself in January to understand that she needs to take care of herself now. Empower us to live in your Holy Spirit’s power and authority instead of the weakness of appetite. Lord, in you, we can find balance and grace.

We are so grateful for our bodies. Today marks a new day of stewarding them well for your glory,

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Sister, go sign up, like right now, don’t wait >>> https://www.kimdolanleto.com/21daychallenge

Download your 21-day Fitness Bible Challenge and then invite a friend!

Follow my social media because I will be posting about it daily to encourage you.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimdolanleto

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimdolanleto

I can’t wait to hear about how this is helping you know Jesus, learn what the Bible says about fitness, and get results. 

Please use the #fitnessbiblestudychallenge 

I’m so excited!

Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.


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