Introducing The Fit God's Way 30-Day Transformation Course

I have the BEST NEWS… The Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course is open for enrollment for one week and you’re the first to know! Enrollment is open from March 26th - April 2nd. We start on April 8th! Enroll here, https://www.kimdolanleto.com/enroll

I have spent months making sure EVERYTHING you need to successfully transform your health and fitness is inside this Christian Fitness Program 

If you’ve been praying for the answer to fitness in a Christian Fitness Program… This is it!

The Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course is for you if you want to deepen your relationship with God, find lasting answers to your fitness, get results, and have peace. For 30 days, we will go on a step-by-step journey that will give you the tools to succeed

Here’s what you get:

=> Over 25 video lessons with downloadable guides to take you from “I don’t know how to get results” to “Praise the Lord, I can do this!!!”

=> The most supportive community there is - a place where you can ask questions, get feedback, stay accountable, make lasting friendships, be prayed for, and share your wins!

=> 4 LIVE Q&A and Prayer Sessions with yours truly (and lifetime access to the recordings)

=> A start-to-finish step-by-step Fit God’s Way Daily Success Plan

=> Lifetime Access to Tools and Resources to Help You Get Fit God’s Way

AND... you know how I love to give you freebies!

Well, check out these 3 Bonuses you’ll get if you enroll by Tuesday, April 2nd:

Bonus 1: 7 Workouts

Bonus 2: Workout Playlists

Bonus 3: The God's Blueprint for Success Workshop


Friend, The Bible tells us that we are the temple of God. 

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says,Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

God has given you the gift of life and a body to steward. Are you taking care of His temple? Don’t wait for the right time. The time is now.

Head over to learn more and join the Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation today and you get your bonuses! 

And I want to make sure you know that this course is only available to buy for one week. It’s available from March 26th to April 2nd, because we start Monday, April 8th! 

You know I want to share something very personal with you today.

My fitness journey is nothing short of that, a journey. It took me some time to find my confidence and strength in Jesus but once I did my health changed entirely.

After my dad had a stroke that left him paralyzed, I was desperate to get healthy. I was overweight, and out of shape, and I didn’t know what to do. I went to the world for answers, because there weren’t any Christian fitness programs. Friend, I did it all wrong. I rode what I call the shame train of losing and gaining weight and all the emotional torment it caused. I had come to the end of myself with fitness. I tried everything the world offered but the results never lasted. I had – had it. But then one day at Church with tears streaming down my face, I opened my Bible and God showed me an answer.  That was over 20 years ago and I have never gained the weight back. This is exactly why I created the Fit Gods’s Way 30-day Transformation course!

My 4-week course will transform your mindset and the way you view fitness and help you create a new path to success!

For 30 days, you will experience  Fitness God’s Way! 

Okay girl, I HEAR you! You may be thinking “Who is the Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation course for?”  I am here to clarify that.

The Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation course is for the woman who…

  • Is tired of starting over with her diet every Monday
  • Wants to break strongholds with food, fitness, and her body
  • Needs another answer to fitness one that isn’t about eating perfectly and working out harder
  • Wants accountability and prayer
  • Thrives in a community
  • Wants direction on how to eat to live, not live to eat
  • Needs to undo wrong mindsets that keep her trapped in defeat
  • Wants to have peace with food and her body
  • Is tired of diet culture, food guilt, body shame, and feeling less than
  • Wants to know she can find success with her fitness and live free and fit in Jesus!


It isn’t just me this has helped check out these amazing testimonials! God is SO GOOD!



You might have some questions about the Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course:

How Long Do I Have Access to the Course Materials? 

Forever! You have Lifetime Access, and any new changes to the course will be updated.

Do I need prior fitness experience to participate? 

No prior fitness experience is necessary. This program is designed to accommodate all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced.

What if I can't make it to the live sessions? 

Don't worry! All live sessions will be recorded and made available for you to access at your convenience. You can still engage with the course content and catch up on missed sessions at your own pace.

How much time per day will I need to dedicate to the course?

I  recommend 30-60 minutes per day which can be broken up however it fits best into your schedule.

Is there a specific diet plan included in the course?  

Fit God’s Way is not a diet plan, it is freedom from dieting and repairing your relationship with food. You will learn how to eat with intention, invite God to your meals, and how to eat God-made food.

Will I have access to a community for support and accountability? 

Absolutely! You will have access to a private online community (not on Facebook) where you can connect with Sisters-in-Christ, share your progress, ask questions, and support and pray for one another throughout the program.

Are there any age restrictions for participants? 

This course is open to individuals of all ages. However, minors under the age of 18 require parental consent to participate.

Will there be opportunities for one-on-one support or coaching? 

While this course primarily consists of group sessions, you can ask questions within the community.

What happens after the 30-day program ends? 

Upon completion of the program, you can continue your fitness journey independently or explore further opportunities for ongoing support and engagement within the FGW community. Details to come!

Whew! I think I covered most of it! If you have additional questions, please feel free to hit reply and ask!

And don’t forget We start April 8th! Let’s do this, God’s Way!

Why You Should Join.

Can we talk heart-to-heart for a minute? 

One of the biggest deceptions we face as Christians is that success is for other people. It shows up in our doubts, settling for less and feeling like we aren’t good enough!

But here’s the truth, wherever you are in this moment, there is hope for your fitness if you will do one thing: Give it to God!

You may be thinking, but I’m not you, Kim! To which I would say, thank goodness because it took me way longer to figure this faith and fitness thing out than it will you, promise!

I’m literally giving you everything you need to silence that inner critic, break through the enemy’s lies, and transform your fitness, God’s way!

Here's what you get in the Fit God's Way 30-Day Transformation course:

=> Over 25 video lessons with downloadable guides to take you from “I don’t know how to get results” to “Praise the Lord, I can do this!!!”

=> The most supportive community there is - a place where you can ask questions, get feedback, stay accountable, make lasting friendships, be prayed for, and share your wins!

=> 4 LIVE Q&A and Prayer Sessions with yours truly (and lifetime access to the recordings)

=> A start-to-finish step-by-step Fit God’s Way Daily Success Plan

=> Lifetime Access to Tools and Resources to Help You Get Fit God’s Way

And we cannot forget about the FREE bonuses!

Bonus 1: 7 Workouts

Bonus 2: Workout Playlists

Bonus 3: The God's Blueprint for Success Workshop

If you’re on the fence about taking the Fit God‘s Way 30-Day Transformation Course... 

I want to share something. When I look back I don’t think I ever felt like was I ready. 

Was I ready to write books, and devotionals, create a workout series, kick off my podcast, go on TV, and speak at live events? No. I don’t think I’m ever ready but to be honest I do most things scared. I feel the fear but my faith is greater! Because I’ve always wanted more.

Doing things afraid has helped me learn how to trust God and push through my fears.

Friend, you have everything you need to be successful you have Jesus.

I don’t know where you are in your journey but you’ve got to be willing to do it afraid and to believe in faith more than your doubts. I have 100% confidence that my course will give you everything you need to succeed. But even more than that I want to help you know Jesus in your fitness and the strength and confidence He brings.

Through Him I want to help you get past the fear of failure, the fear of not reaching your goals, the fear of not going to the gym, because you feel like you have to get fit to go there, the fear of caring what people think, and the fear of not knowing what actually works.

Truth be told every one of those fears was mine, but they’re not anymore. I used to live there in those fears. I’m teaching you what I’ve overcome, and you’re going to be surrounded by a community of women who, love Jesus, will support you, and are all pushing through their own fears, and struggles to find their best health.

Accountability is so important. Fitness is lonely. We need fellowship. I would love to help you create success in your fitness this is decision time, friend. Are you in or out? If you’re unsure, I fully understand, but I’m concerned you’re going to reach out to me after April 2nd, and regret that you didn’t join. You see this course is only available for one week because we start on April 8th. 

If you love my books, my podcast, and the way I teach, let’s continue the journey. Because all of those resources only scratch the surface. This course is what you need to go deeper. 

I hope you’ll join me in the Fit God‘s Way 30-Day Transformation course. Either way, I am praying for your success and am so blessed that you are here with me.

Share the Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course with a friend and do it together!

Sister now is the time to get fit. Grab a friend and do this together to start living your healthiest life – there is no better way to do it than with Christ! 

Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.

P.S. The Fit God's Way 30-Day Transformation Course is only available from March 26th to April 2nd. 

We start April 8th! Let's GO! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸŽ‰ Enroll here, https://www.kimdolanleto.com/enroll


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Two Step

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