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3 Things You Can Do To Get Motivated

faith fitness Mar 28, 2020


During uncertain times we need to remember, we don’t have to have all the answers and things don’t always make sense; peace comes when we put ALL our trust in Him.

In this episode, I’m going to share 3 tips to help you tap into your inner overcomer: mind, body and soul! The action steps covered in this episode will help you feel better now, fill your heart with faith and intentionally put your hope in God. 

3 Things You Can Do To Get Motivated 

>> Mind: Mental and emotional health is a real struggle for many of us, I encourage you to cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.– 1 Peter 5:7

When negative or fearful thoughts appear, recognize that this is the enemy and fight fear with faith. Look back at all God has brought you through and let that fuel your confidence. 

Action steps:

  • Give your day structure and prioritize time in the word to guard your heart
  • Turn OFF the TV and OPEN your BIBLE
  • Fill your mind with faith and follow the social distancing rules
  • Celebrate the extra time with family and loved ones
  • Tackle household projects as a family   

>> Body: Right now we all need to focus on our well-being over weight loss.

Focus on self-care and time with God. This is not a time to feel pressured to lose weight or change too many eating habits. Conversely, it is also not a time to overindulge. Don’t eat your emotions, give them to God!

 Action steps:

  • Pause and Pray before meals
  • Invite God to the table and walk in the Holy Spirit gift of self-control
  • Move your body, get the kids involved, go for walks, hikes, etc.
  • Put on a great Christian playlist, like the Faith Over Fear Playlist I have made for you. 
  • Cook together, get the family involved in preparing meals! 
  • At mealtime, intentionally pray together for our country.

>> Soul: Put your hope in God, use this time to deepen your faith.

John Paramore wrote something really special, it says,

“I’m only truly certain about one thing, 

God has a plan

My hope isn’t in the food supply

My hope isn’t in the cure

My hope isn’t in the hospital

My hope is in Him

That’s more than enough!”

Our emotional and mental health is more important than ever, let’s guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! Amen!


I’m going to pray for us and for our country... 


Dear God,

Help us rely on you to be our anchor in this storm.

The news and all the varying opinions have our minds swirling with doubt and confusion.

Your word says, "That in the world we will have trials, but you have overcome the world and in you, we can have peace."

Lord, we need the peace that only you can bring.

Today, we choose to rest in you. We trust you.

Empower us to use this time to draw near to you, to be a comfort to the lost and hurting and to pray for our country.

In Jesus' name, amen.


Action steps:


Here’s some faith-fuel, guard your heart and mind with His comforting truth...


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7


We need to come together.

Whatever you’re facing today, you’re not alone. I’m here praying for you, for our country and I want to stay connected.  

Please SUBSCRIBE to the Strong Confident His Podcast and head to social media to let me know if any of these 3 points, the prayer or even the Faith Over Fear Playlist has helped you! 

God only made ONE you, friend.

I know it’s not easy, but stay motivated to take care of yourself inside and out, from head to toe. 

God has work for you to do!

From my heart to yours, God Bless,

 Kim Dolan Leto

Want access to free resources created to help you become God’s best version of you?

  • Gain control over food
  • Enjoy empowered faith-fueled workouts 
  • Get equipped with Godly confidence 

For more in-depth tips on how to get fit God’s way, grab the free PDF resource that I’ve put together for you. Get it here: Learn With Kim



Are you subscribed to the Strong Confident His podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. 

Click here to subscribe on iTunes!

If this podcast has uplifted and encouraged you today, I would love to hear about it. Please share with me and others by leaving a review over on iTunes, doing so supports the mission of this podcast and helps your sisters in Christ become Strong Confident His Women. 

Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and share how this podcast is supporting your growth in HIM! All Glory to God. - Kim


Power Up! I want you to take action. 

Tell me how these faith-fueled episodes are helping you.

All you need to do is comment on my social media to win either a free 10-minute coaching call, books, a workout DVD or fun Christian swag. 

Your thoughts might be exactly what someone else needs to hear to start getting fit and confident God’s Way too.

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