You Didn’t Miss It! God’s Best is Worth the Wait! With Wendy Griffith


If you’ve been praying for a husband and you feel like you’re getting older and losing hope, this is going to remind you that you still deserve the fairy tale. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing television personality and author Wendy Griffith and her story is filling women with hope!

I met Wendy when she interviewed me on The 700 Club and we’ve been friends ever since.

Wendy has a story of inspiration for women who are looking for a Godly husband. She was living her dream as an international reporter and news anchor for the Christian Broadcasting Network but the one thing she really wanted was to fall in love and get married, but it seemed life was passing her by.

Watch the full video of our chat here or click the image below!

Wendy shares about her new book, You Didn’t Miss It! God’s Best Is Worth the Wait! She is a trusted friend who has been there and wants to guide you through:

- How she found a godly man

- How to enjoy life...

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Find Out Why Your Fitness Plan Isn’t Working and How to Fix It! The Christian Women’s Summit Replay


*This is a special bonus episode with behind-the-scenes content from The Christian Women’s Summit: Restoring Faith, Body and Soul. I heard the many requests for a live stream or replay and made it my goal to make this available to you.

*For behind-the-scenes pictures and video, check them out on Facebook or Instagram.


Have you ever wondered…

  • If God cares about your struggles with food and fitness?
  • How to get your eating under control?
  • Why it’s so hard to stay motivated?
  • How to have a healthy body image?
  • Why worldly fitness answers don’t work?

Sister, I can promise you right now that God cares about you and every struggle or thought you have ever had.

Ladies come to me constantly wondering why they aren’t seeing results, why the fat isn’t melting, and the muscle building. They are doing everything their diet says to do.

Worldly fitness doesn’t work or last forever today I am revealing why.

Worldly Fitness...

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