Here's Your Step-by-Step Success God's Way Blueprint

Okay, so sister to sister, why as Christians do we struggle with believing success is God's will for us?

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • God, I think you gave me this gift, but I'm scared to use it. Is it really your will?
  • God, do you want me to be successful? Is this my ego or is it you?
  • God, I keep failing at my goals, is it okay to ask you to help me succeed?
  • God, why do I keep getting to a place and then quitting?
  • God, can you help me believe I can succeed? Lord, help me with my unbelief.

Until I learned what I'm going to teach you today, it made reaching the goals God gave me...Hard!

Like standing on the scale and beating myself up over the number looking back at me… Hard!

Like answering the call to write a book, or start a business, and a podcast, and wondering who am I to do any of this? Is this even God's plan for me?.. Hard!

Like I’m old, it’s too late!... Hard!

Through a lot of prayer and diving deep into studying my Bible, God gave me His Blueprint for...

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Coaching Session Q & A Part 1

Today I’m answering your questions! You submitted your questions to me, and I am answering them here today. Although I’m pointing to answers, I want to always first point straight to God because He is our answer to everything!

If you are not a part of my online community, I highly encourage you to join us! We talk all things faith, fitness, womanhood, food, and all of the above!! Join us here!

If you’re experiencing any of these: hormones, cravings, hopelessness, age-related weight gain, lack of desire to workout, wondering how to get your abs back after baby, wanting to know what my favorite God-made meals are, my thoughts on intermittent fasting, finding joy, or what to do when you feel alone and lack confidence, buckle up because I’m pouring and praying it out today!

This blog format will be a little different than usual because I really want to focus on answering your questions fully! Let’s dive in!

How do you avoid screwing everything up each time...

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What I Do Every Day To Stay Mentally, Physically And Emotionally Healthy, Stay Focused, And Accomplish God’s Plan For Me

"A day in the life" sounded a bit indulgent, but I recently did a survey on my Instagram, and it was one of the most requested topics. I heard things like, Kim take us behind the scenes, how do you do what you do, how do you juggle it all, how do you work out and work and stay focused, eat healthily, and stay on track… I also heard comments like I want to tag along with you for a week and learn. So, I’m welcoming you on over, come on in and share a day with me and then I’ll wrap up with the big takeaways, the tips you can take and put into your day that took my years to learn!

I know what it’s like to live without order, without a plan, without structure, and by my emotions, and it taught me everything I know because it never worked, it can’t. The chaos showed me why God desires order, and He desires that for you too, friend. 

Topics I’m going to cover today include focus, creating work blocks, morning and evening routines, having a daily...

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