Holy Health: Inviting God into Your Fitness Journey (An Ecclesiastes Moment)

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The Bible tells us, "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

Learn how to do fitness with peace instead of perfection, strength instead of stress, and self-control instead of willpower. 

In today's culture, fitness often becomes a frustrating project for the perfect body, driven by social media and personal insecurities. But as Christian women, we are called to approach fitness differently. By shifting our focus from outward appearance to spiritual growth and stewardship, we can transform our fitness journey into a meaningful, God-centered lifestyle. 


Here are 3 Ways to Invite God Into Your Fitness

"The keyword in Ecclesiastes is "vanity," reflecting the futile emptiness of trying to find happiness apart from God. The Preacher, traditionally understood to be Solomon—the wisest, richest, and most influential king in Israel’s history—examines life "under the sun" and, from a human perspective, declares it all to be empty. Power, popularity, prestige, and pleasure cannot fill the God-shaped void in man's life—only God Himself can. However, when seen from God’s perspective, life takes on meaning and purpose, leading Solomon to exclaim: "Eat, drink, rejoice, go live joyfully, fear God, and keep His commandments!" Skepticism and despair fade away when life is viewed as a daily gift from God." *Taken from my NKJV Bible

1. Make Your Fitness a Spirit-Led Lifestyle Instead of a Frustrating Flesh Project


"So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." - Galatians 5:16

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon reflects on his life and realizes that despite having everything the world could offer—wealth, wisdom, power, and pleasure—he felt empty without a deep connection with God. Solomon's experience teaches us that earthly pursuits, no matter how fulfilling they seem, ultimately leave us unsatisfied if God is not at the center.

When we approach fitness from a fleshly perspective, it often leads to frustration, comparison, and dissatisfaction. We set unrealistic goals, strive for perfection, and measure our worth by our physical appearance. This mindset can be exhausting and disheartening.

Instead, let's invite the Holy Spirit into our fitness journey. Allow Him to guide your goals, motivations, and actions. Pray for wisdom and strength to make healthy choices, and seek His presence in your workouts. When fitness becomes a spirit-led lifestyle, it transforms from a burden into a blessing, filled with joy, peace, and purpose.

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2. Make Fitness More About Stewardship of Your Health and Your Calling Than What You Look Like

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Our bodies are precious gifts from God, entrusted to us for a purpose. Instead of focusing on achieving a certain look, let's prioritize the stewardship of our health and well-being. Maintaining a healthy body enables us to fulfill our God-given calling more effectively, whether it's serving our families, pursuing our careers, or engaging in ministry.

King Solomon's realization in Ecclesiastes underscores the importance of finding meaning and purpose in God rather than in earthly achievements. Consider fitness as a way to honor God by taking care of the temple He has given you. Eat the foods God made for your body, move your body daily, get enough rest, and manage stress with prayer. These actions are not just about looking good but about being physically, mentally, and spiritually equipped to serve Him.


3.  Invite God to Your Meals, Your Workouts, and the Mirror

 "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31 

God desires to be involved in every aspect of our lives, including our fitness journey. By inviting Him into our meals, workouts, and even the mirror, we can align our thinking and actions with His will and find greater satisfaction and fulfillment. 

King Solomon also recognized the value of enjoying the simple pleasures in life. He wrote, There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and make his soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I saw, that it is from the hand of God ...(Ecclesiastes 2:24). This teaches us to appreciate the nourishment from our meals, the satisfaction of physical activity, and the fruits of our labor.

Have you ever heard of the term Ecclesiastes moment?

An "Ecclesiastes moment" refers to a point in time when a person realizes the futility and emptiness of pursuing worldly pleasures, achievements, and material possessions without a relationship with God. It's a moment of deep reflection and understanding, akin to the themes found in the Book of Ecclesiastes, where King Solomon expresses that everything under the sun is "vanity" and meaningless without God. This moment often leads to a profound shift in perspective, recognizing that true fulfillment and purpose come from a life centered on God.

In my Fit God’s Way 30-Day Transformation Course, I teach the Fit God’s Way 7 Ws and Success Roadmap, these reachings undo the worldly-centered fitness thinking that has been ingrained in our minds and replace it with Jesus-filled truth.

Here are some of the core steps we take together through video trainings and guides: 

Redefine Fitness God’s Way

Set Faith Goals, and Create a Fit God’s Way 7 Ws Daily Plan

Activate Your Faith

Learn and Choose Fit Thoughts

Learn Intentional Eating with the 7 Ps and How to Eat God-Made

Learn How to Workout God’s Way

Press on Quit-Quitting! 


Here Are Some Steps You Can Take Today to Help You Invite God into Your Fitness Jounrey

  • Start by praying before meals, asking God to bless the food and nourish your body.
  • During workouts, listen to worship music, meditate on scripture, or simply thank God for the strength and ability to exercise.
  • When you look in the mirror, remind yourself of your identity in Christ and His love for you.
  • These practices help shift your focus from self-centered goals to God-centered living.


Making fitness Christian is about transforming it from a superficial pursuit into a spirit-led, purpose-driven journey. By focusing on spiritual growth, stewardship, and inviting God into every aspect of our fitness routines, we can honor Him with our bodies and experience true joy and fulfillment.

Remember, your worth is not defined by your physical appearance but by your identity as a beloved daughter of God. Embrace this truth and let it guide your fitness journey. 

Don't forget to get your copy of 9 Bible-Based Answers to the Most Common Fitness Problems. 

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And if you listen to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, I would greatly appreciate your reviews and ratings. Please share them here, on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

God bless you, Sister! 



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